Site icon The Toni Everett Company

Developments Overview

The Toni Everett Co. specializes in aiding residential and commercial developers by curating packages for them. These packages can cover land acquisition and/or planning all the way through to sellout. The company can also consult on the best marketing and floor plan approach and/or enter at different levels of the development process. Toni Everett developed the two per floor, one per floor condo concept, now used over the world. She has also been a principal in her own high-rise development. The company enters deals at various points in the sales cycle to help complete any role the developer may require. Toni and her team have extensive presale experience and an exemplary track record with land acquisition, pre-construction planning and pre-sales of new developments, and conversions and resales of both. The Toni Everett Co. also specializes in high priced luxury, single family, multi-family, and new construction homes and all types of resales properties ranging from $500,000 to multi-million-dollar price points.

The company has different development teams that go on site for new development projects and other teams specialized in conversions. The company also has a leasing management department.

Development Services Package

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